Remember how Kim Kardashian revealed how to take the perfect selfie? She also took 300 selfies to find the perfect one she was pleased with. 

We all want to showcase our best side to the world, especially if it is going to be captured forever in photos. Fortunately, just as Kim Kardashian had showed us, being photogenic is a quality that can be trained. You just need to take the time to practice.

Today, we will be sharing some tips on how you can do so!  


4 youths posing for the camera

Finding your best angles 

Sometimes, asymmetry does not make the most flattering visuals on camera and for many of us, we do not have symmetrical faces. Thus, if we take a photo by looking straight at the camera, it might not be what we envision ourselves to be. 

Try taking photos of both the left and right side of your face. Then, do a comparison to conclude which is your better side. Practice that angle to figure out how you can incorporate it into a natural and comfortable position. Just remember to angle your face in that manner the next time you take a photo!

Beyond finding the best side of your face, explore body posture and the angling of your shoulders. It is all part of a package! 


A lady smiling beautifully

Smiling like you would without being in front of a camera 

A genuine smile makes you look friendlier and more approachable. However, smiling naturally might come a little hard to us when there is a camera in our face. 

A fun tip would be to smile with your eyes to make your expression more genuine. Another would be to look away, remember a good memory and then look back at the camera when the shutter goes off. 


A purple ring light around a camera's lens

Flattering Lighting 

Lighting plays a big part in how you look in a photo. Avoid harsh shadows which invoke intense emotions, by using natural or softer lighting. Otherwise, ensure that the main lighting source is in front of you and that there are no light sources behind you for indoor shooting. 

At the end of the day, being photogenic is all about having confidence in yourself. Knowing that you are comfortable in your own skin is the first step on this journey. So have fun and your joyful emotion will show through in a beautiful manner.