Everyone knows that when you are happy, you smile. It is the icon of happiness, thus, a natural thing to do in photographs and videos. Especially so, when photographs are taken to commemorate joyous times. Their joy really shows. 

But, happiness is so much more than a smile. It could be displayed in so many ways that one doesn’t have to see a smile to identify the emotion of happiness. Here also lies the beauty of photography, where we don’t just capture what we see but create the picture we envision. 

Below are 3 tips to amplify the element of joy.


A girl pointing to the back of her shirt to show it off.

1. Body Language 

Our body expresses the emotions we are going through without the need for words. It is a powerful tool as people can read and recognise body language. These silent manifestations of happiness are more genuine and hence, more telling of what the subject is feeling. 

Movements like leaping into mid-air, head bending backwards or arms throwing wide often come together with a smile to communicate joy. Encapsulating these movements into your photos will offer more of the emotion running through your subject, amplifying joy. 


A blurry photo of a girl dancing among the grass

2. Movement

Have you ever tried to take photos of someone camera-shy? When they smile at the camera, you can tell that it is awkward or forced. Well, that’s probably because it is. Think about it this way, if you are not feeling yourself and are told to smile, it will be unnatural for you. 

As mentioned earlier, movements are good communicators of emotions. Subconsciously, people are able to recognise the emotions infused into movements. Emotions bring out movements and vice versa. 

Movements can be used to engage your audience in activities to make them at ease. Ask them to play with their pets, make someone laugh or ask them to tell a joke to their friends. When subjects forget that they are in front of a camera, they become more comfortable and emotions will flow out more easily. Allowing your subjects to forget the camera is present will bring out the best in them which may lead you to capture unexpected yet wonderful moments.


A photographer taking a shot

3. The Photographer

Earlier on, we strongly emphasised making the subject comfortable. As the photographer, you need to assure them that they can be themselves with you. Just as well as you can sense their emotions, so do your subjects. 

Thus, relax and show your excitement and joy to work with them. Striking up a conversation, cracking a joke or actively giving tips and advice on how they can pose are some ways to interact with your subjects. Your positive energy will encourage your subjects to look forward to the photo shoot, allowing them to express more emotion in the photos. Consequently, this will lead to more natural-looking photos that truly reflect the personalities of your session’s participants. 

Additionally, a fun atmosphere makes it easier for subjects to express what they are thinking and the ideas they might have for the photos. You can then build rapport with them and communicate better without any hesitation. 

Capturing emotions is like telling a story. As the storyteller, find your own unique voice and dazzle the world with it!